diving activity undertaken under the surface of the water with or may
not wear scuba gear, with to achieve a specific purpose. In
diving activities there are two types of diving activities according to
the needs and apparatus, namely skin diving and scuba diving. Skin
diving is diving is done using scuba gear base (mask, snorkel and fins)
and generally only done for the activity snorkling (enjoy the panorama
below the surface) or perhaps sport diving (diving sports. Sedagkan
scuba diving is diving wearing scuba gear complete or
perhaps general referred the equipment SCUBA (Self Breathing Underwater
Breathing apparatus), which is generally used for the activity of dives
scientific (scientific Diving), dives commercial (engginering dive,
ship salvage, inspection & repair), and dives undertaken by some
marines for activity defense and security (Tactical / Combat Diving).
As for the equipment used in the dive Skin and Scuba dive, namely:
1. Basic Diving Equipment (Skin Dive Equipment)• MaskMask is a diving equipment menutupimsebagian face up to the area of the eyes and nose, has a benefit: make bags desires of the eyes and nose diver in the water column until very likely divers can see in the area of the water column, and then the mask can avoid water gets into the nose and eyes, all avoid the appearance of irritation. Mask should be comfortable and watertight, has the form also must follow the form of user interface. To test the mask kekedapannya use it with no rope, inhale past the nose and remove the mask from his hand. If you do not fall off the mask means fitting.• SnorkelSnorkel is a pipe made of silicon with a length of 12 to 14 inch that contribute to survival tool to help the diver to breathe on the surface of the water not lift his head and look at the panorama below the water surface. Having a form of semi-flexible with no lid on top.• Fins (Frog Legs)Fins are immersion tools that have the ability to give benefits on foot as well as a device driver to swim in waters with a very fast pace. But, on hakikatnbya fins not only made to increase swimming speed, but increase the power pedal. By using this tool pool our strength so add 10 times greater compared to no wear. There are three kinds of types of fins:
a. Foot Pocket
Fit for the activity of skin diving or swimming fins may, generally more flexible with the location of more angled plate, which resulted in the foot is not easily tired. More to be charged or maybe take them off for scuba diving activity, are also at risk to be worn on a scuba diving activity because really prone tercopot if jam rock or perhaps other marine objects.
b. open Heel
Ekgiatan fit for scuba diving, are generally plated straight, semi rigid with the plate longer. This type give greater capabilities, but require an adjustment time for the muscles - leg muscles. Open heel fins have advantages in terms of use or may take it off.
c. Adjustable Open HeelThis type is best suited to be worn on scuba diving, because it has pockets big enough for the feet that use boots (gaiters used to make protective foot of rocky and stony area made of foam rubber with hard soles). Generally there is a hole - a hole in the top of the water flow of the slab. This water flow hole reduce foot fatigue is caused by the negative area on a slab.• bouyancy / Life VestIs a vest that can contain up to give the air of positive buoyancy to the wearer throughout the swim at the water surface, because a diver can move not to spend a lot of energy. Also provide buoyancy so that the user can rest or perhaps propping the wearer during emergency situations.
2. Equipment Scuba (Scuba Equipment)
Scuba is a respiratory equipment below the surface of the water that can be taken by the divers. Scuba gear according to the system work is divided into four systems:• Closed Circulation SystemOne system that uses acid / pure oxygen absorber is equipped with a chemical to get rid of carbon dioxide / CO2 out of the lungs. This unit is essentially blowing back the exhaust air of O2 into the water. It is a closed system though. This unit uses is limited to a depth of 33 feet. The use of this type SCUBA required specific expertise because really at risk.• Open Circulation SystemConsisting of Demand Regulator and Tubing Eve compressed (Compressed Air Tank): type scuba tool that today is the safest tool used. Eve compressed channeled past the regulator to the diver, as well as the air that has been sucked dumped immediately into water no longer used.• Semi Closed Circulation SystemUsed for military operations and is a combination of open systems and closed circuit. This system has the air of a bag, box chemical, regulators and compressed air of the tube. The system is very possible military divers to work at depths as well as long periods of time. This system requires special heating and require special support equipment as well, until the unit is rarely used common.• System-Mixed Gas Closed CirculationThis system is really complicated, require special maintenance and is quite expensive. This unit has a breathing bag, box chemically as well as a means of electronic filters that can control the amount of oxygen O2 at a depth of 000 feet were growing more 1., which provide enough desires to descend and climb back to the surface for scientific jobs in its use requires proper training -Right specials. Of the four systems being discussed for sport diving is an open system.
In it countless masks, fins, and snorkel outside of it too:
a. wet Suit
P Wear protective divers who are currently in common use is foam neoprene wet suit, a material made of neoprene rubber which has a bubble - bubble valve. This material does not absorb water and is made in various sizes thickness of the material. The benefit of this tool is to make the protection of coral divers from scratches and the reduction of body heat under the water surface. But even if not make a wet suit diver so warm, just shy of divers from the cold and not only means the diver is not wet.
b. weight BeltThis tool is used to mnengatur diver buoyancy. Each diver has a buoyancy that is not the same. A diver in the sea water not wearing a wet suit requires heavy at 4 s / d 6 pounds for mengingimbangi buoyancy plus, middle when wearing a wet suit requires the addition of ballast at 10 s / d 12 pounds above the buoyancy normal, until the total amount required a diver to be able to go down range at 14 s / d 16 pounds. For a base to facilitate the determination of how much weight is needed is 1/10 of the normal weight for a wet suit with a thickness of 3/16 inch. Weight belt must be equipped with a quick release buckle fastening buckle that is one that can be released in a fast way.
c. Tubes Diving (Aqualung)
Immersion tube is bottle high pressure air that made untukmenampung air that is compressed in a safe way. Tube - the tube where it is currently made from bahanbaja or perhaps a mixture of aluminum and come in most sizes. In common tube no writing - writing DOT 3 AA 2250, H 474 829, 7 + 89 +. Posts that means, these tubes already have a license from the Department of Transportation (DOT) This cap is generally a product made in America. 3 AA class has meaning tube wear and the type of metal retaining high pressure (Chromenolybdenum stell - 4130). 2250 is the maximum working pressure on the tube in unit Psi, but can be filled up to 2475 psi. H 474 829 is the serial number of cylinders as well as 7 + 89 + is a testing date. The type - the type of tube type:• steel tubes 71, 2 cuft: Standard 25-inch steel tube that is long, has a weight of thought - thought 30 Lbs in a situation left blank and designed such that it can float in seawater. if the weather is compressed or may be pumped into the tube up to a maximum pressure of 2250 Psi it means thought - thought 65 cuft hawa free ditampungnya. As well as if in the content to exceed 10 Percent of the 2475 Psi, meaning that these tubes are generally referred satandar immersion tube 71 cubic feet (71 cubic feet satandart diving tank).• aluminum tubes 71, 2 cuft: aluminum Cylinder 71, 2 cuft, 28 inches long and has a weight of thought - thought 27 Lbs in empty situation. This tube is 3 inches longer and easier compared to steel tubes of the same size. The maximum pressure is 2475 psi tube. Signals A + for charging over 10 percent is not needed. Borne anti-rust aluminum cylinder as well as weakening the system unnecessary worry anymore. Until now scuba aluminum tubes created in America by Luxver Ltd.• Psi 3000 aluminum tubes 72, 0 cuft: This tube length is 26 inh, weighs 30 lbs and weighs neutral in seawater. tube capacity which is 72, 0 cuft at a maximum pressure of 3000 Psi Psi 2475 No pressure tube would be filled approximately 60 cubic feet hawa free.• Unit double tubes: Tubes of this type is prepared for a longer inventory. This tube can be collected with a double valve or possibly two single tube, combined with connecting pipes. Pipe fitting is very likely that you use a single tube with a separate way. This unit type is really fit to dive in the water, underwater photography underwater or perhaps rescue dives that require a long bottom time.Immersion tube has a valve tube / valve. There are two types of standard valves, namely:• The non reserve / "K" valve: Valves "K" no backup is easy valve closed and opened. Tubes with valves requires the addition of a diver wearing a tool to monitor how much air that remains in the tube. The tool is intended Submersible Pressure Gauge.• Type constant reserve / "J" valve: These valves nearly as well with a valve "K" valve, while the difference is that this type of equipment is equipped with a backup mechanism at a pressure of 300 Psi. So if the pressure tube down until the thought - thought 300 Psi, spring will close the valve and cause a contraction in the procurement of the air we breathing and by pulling down a connecting rod connected to the valve back up the left side of the tube, can take off return valve is closed, then flows the rest of Eve most recently on the tube. Hawa valves provide sufficient reserves for a diver rises to the surface.1. O-Ring Seal: O-ring rubber (rubber bands in the form of O) is small on the surface to make a watertight valve high pressure on the regulator to the cylinder valve. Bring always supply o-ring in your dive gear bag, because if the o-ring was missing then your regulator can not be used.2. Persons with Tubes (Back Pack): It is a harness that attaches the tube system on the diver's back. Having a wide variety of forms. However, currently available that BC is all back together by packnya, until easy to install tube in her BC. Backpack and a belt buckle with must have a quick launch in connective left shoulder belts. This sort of thing is intended to alleviate the divers take off or put back in the tube in the water. As with any other diving equipment, diving cleaned after use with clean, fresh water, for BC rinsed with warm water section of it, put the filled state of the weather.d. regulator
The regulator is a device that is simple to change the air of high pressure on a scuba tube so air of low pressure as the diver purposes and only provide air that is needed as the surrounding pressure.
There are some types of regulators:• Pipe double hawa (Double Hose)Regulator Demand commonly known in America from 1949 consists of one side of which is fitted above the cylinder valve with a conduit weaker breathing, mouthpiece and an exhaust pipe airing. At this time generally referred Two Hose Regulator. Mouthpiece or may Handheld Mouth is one side that is inserted into the mouth.
Type of regulator is its use more difficult, because the diver must exhale loudly when going to breathe airing. Usually used by commercial divers. By a bubble because the air is removed by scuba divers out in the back, then the bubbles do not disturb the view of divers.
The principle works have two levels of the first level (first stage) and the second level (second stage). At the first level above the weather in lowering the pressure around him and a second level of pressure hawa shrink as the diver needed as the situation around him. The rest of the air is coming from the mouthpiece will be restored to the level of the first to be thrown out.• Pipes single hawa (Single Hose)The commonly used today is the single hawa pipeline consists of two levels of the first level (first stage) and the second level (second stage) mounted on the mouth piece (mouthpiece). Eve on the first level so ± 140 psi above the pressure around him. On the second level is reduced so at the necessary pressure.
Differences number one with double hose, namely that the two separate levels. Second Stage where there is near the mouth of the diver to ease breathing, therefore, there is a rubber septum on the same surface as well to the lungs in a public swimming position.
Single hose is also equipped with drain button (purge botton) residual waste water which is instrumental in the mouthpiece when pressed.
Make the first stage of protection from water ingress and dust are also equipped with a cover (cup) is mounted on the first stage when the regulator is not used.
e. Buoyancy Compensator Device / BCD
Form as a vest which there is a water cell. Air cell on a role to regulate buoyancy BCD (buoyancy) of the divers. Another component of a BCD one of which is inflator / deflator and dump valve.• Knives DivingIs a versatile tool, used to assist, dig, also for gauges. Made of stainless metal, serrated on the eyes as well as others can be useful to cut the rope in the water. In use the shank inside to avoid snagging on the grass and so on. Posts SS. 320 or maybe SS. 420 means the SS. 320 has a carbon content of less than SS. 420.
Beyond that there are also other complementary tool that supports the passage of diving activities, one of them:• GlovesThis equipment is the addition wetsuit. Helpful to make the protection of limbs which side of the hand of hand scratches etc.
Hand divers will be soft when it is submerged in water as well as scratches really hard to stop the bleeding.• Flashlight
Senter used to dive night, for the markers, as well as in cave diving.
If diving is done in the evening or maybe the weather is less friendly gird flashlight.• Hours DivingIn dives each diver must bring hours or maybe another time gauges. This sort of thing to know the hours of dives.
Jam along not only can see the time, there was also combined with the depth mtr. as well as a compass. This sort of thing makes it dives. Observe limit water resistant. For dives that do not exceed 7 mtr. can be used hours have water resistant to 10 bar (eg Q & Q).• BagActually serve to put some valuable items or perhaps a means of communication that are not perhaps in staying all dives.
Before when using carefully whether the bag is leaking or maybe not.
Pay attention to the color of the bag, which is too shiny colors will attract the fish that may be present danger.
As for the equipment used in the dive Skin and Scuba dive, namely:
1. Basic Diving Equipment (Skin Dive Equipment)• MaskMask is a diving equipment menutupimsebagian face up to the area of the eyes and nose, has a benefit: make bags desires of the eyes and nose diver in the water column until very likely divers can see in the area of the water column, and then the mask can avoid water gets into the nose and eyes, all avoid the appearance of irritation. Mask should be comfortable and watertight, has the form also must follow the form of user interface. To test the mask kekedapannya use it with no rope, inhale past the nose and remove the mask from his hand. If you do not fall off the mask means fitting.• SnorkelSnorkel is a pipe made of silicon with a length of 12 to 14 inch that contribute to survival tool to help the diver to breathe on the surface of the water not lift his head and look at the panorama below the water surface. Having a form of semi-flexible with no lid on top.• Fins (Frog Legs)Fins are immersion tools that have the ability to give benefits on foot as well as a device driver to swim in waters with a very fast pace. But, on hakikatnbya fins not only made to increase swimming speed, but increase the power pedal. By using this tool pool our strength so add 10 times greater compared to no wear. There are three kinds of types of fins:
a. Foot Pocket
Fit for the activity of skin diving or swimming fins may, generally more flexible with the location of more angled plate, which resulted in the foot is not easily tired. More to be charged or maybe take them off for scuba diving activity, are also at risk to be worn on a scuba diving activity because really prone tercopot if jam rock or perhaps other marine objects.
b. open Heel
Ekgiatan fit for scuba diving, are generally plated straight, semi rigid with the plate longer. This type give greater capabilities, but require an adjustment time for the muscles - leg muscles. Open heel fins have advantages in terms of use or may take it off.
c. Adjustable Open HeelThis type is best suited to be worn on scuba diving, because it has pockets big enough for the feet that use boots (gaiters used to make protective foot of rocky and stony area made of foam rubber with hard soles). Generally there is a hole - a hole in the top of the water flow of the slab. This water flow hole reduce foot fatigue is caused by the negative area on a slab.• bouyancy / Life VestIs a vest that can contain up to give the air of positive buoyancy to the wearer throughout the swim at the water surface, because a diver can move not to spend a lot of energy. Also provide buoyancy so that the user can rest or perhaps propping the wearer during emergency situations.
2. Equipment Scuba (Scuba Equipment)
Scuba is a respiratory equipment below the surface of the water that can be taken by the divers. Scuba gear according to the system work is divided into four systems:• Closed Circulation SystemOne system that uses acid / pure oxygen absorber is equipped with a chemical to get rid of carbon dioxide / CO2 out of the lungs. This unit is essentially blowing back the exhaust air of O2 into the water. It is a closed system though. This unit uses is limited to a depth of 33 feet. The use of this type SCUBA required specific expertise because really at risk.• Open Circulation SystemConsisting of Demand Regulator and Tubing Eve compressed (Compressed Air Tank): type scuba tool that today is the safest tool used. Eve compressed channeled past the regulator to the diver, as well as the air that has been sucked dumped immediately into water no longer used.• Semi Closed Circulation SystemUsed for military operations and is a combination of open systems and closed circuit. This system has the air of a bag, box chemical, regulators and compressed air of the tube. The system is very possible military divers to work at depths as well as long periods of time. This system requires special heating and require special support equipment as well, until the unit is rarely used common.• System-Mixed Gas Closed CirculationThis system is really complicated, require special maintenance and is quite expensive. This unit has a breathing bag, box chemically as well as a means of electronic filters that can control the amount of oxygen O2 at a depth of 000 feet were growing more 1., which provide enough desires to descend and climb back to the surface for scientific jobs in its use requires proper training -Right specials. Of the four systems being discussed for sport diving is an open system.
In it countless masks, fins, and snorkel outside of it too:
a. wet Suit
P Wear protective divers who are currently in common use is foam neoprene wet suit, a material made of neoprene rubber which has a bubble - bubble valve. This material does not absorb water and is made in various sizes thickness of the material. The benefit of this tool is to make the protection of coral divers from scratches and the reduction of body heat under the water surface. But even if not make a wet suit diver so warm, just shy of divers from the cold and not only means the diver is not wet.
b. weight BeltThis tool is used to mnengatur diver buoyancy. Each diver has a buoyancy that is not the same. A diver in the sea water not wearing a wet suit requires heavy at 4 s / d 6 pounds for mengingimbangi buoyancy plus, middle when wearing a wet suit requires the addition of ballast at 10 s / d 12 pounds above the buoyancy normal, until the total amount required a diver to be able to go down range at 14 s / d 16 pounds. For a base to facilitate the determination of how much weight is needed is 1/10 of the normal weight for a wet suit with a thickness of 3/16 inch. Weight belt must be equipped with a quick release buckle fastening buckle that is one that can be released in a fast way.
c. Tubes Diving (Aqualung)
Immersion tube is bottle high pressure air that made untukmenampung air that is compressed in a safe way. Tube - the tube where it is currently made from bahanbaja or perhaps a mixture of aluminum and come in most sizes. In common tube no writing - writing DOT 3 AA 2250, H 474 829, 7 + 89 +. Posts that means, these tubes already have a license from the Department of Transportation (DOT) This cap is generally a product made in America. 3 AA class has meaning tube wear and the type of metal retaining high pressure (Chromenolybdenum stell - 4130). 2250 is the maximum working pressure on the tube in unit Psi, but can be filled up to 2475 psi. H 474 829 is the serial number of cylinders as well as 7 + 89 + is a testing date. The type - the type of tube type:• steel tubes 71, 2 cuft: Standard 25-inch steel tube that is long, has a weight of thought - thought 30 Lbs in a situation left blank and designed such that it can float in seawater. if the weather is compressed or may be pumped into the tube up to a maximum pressure of 2250 Psi it means thought - thought 65 cuft hawa free ditampungnya. As well as if in the content to exceed 10 Percent of the 2475 Psi, meaning that these tubes are generally referred satandar immersion tube 71 cubic feet (71 cubic feet satandart diving tank).• aluminum tubes 71, 2 cuft: aluminum Cylinder 71, 2 cuft, 28 inches long and has a weight of thought - thought 27 Lbs in empty situation. This tube is 3 inches longer and easier compared to steel tubes of the same size. The maximum pressure is 2475 psi tube. Signals A + for charging over 10 percent is not needed. Borne anti-rust aluminum cylinder as well as weakening the system unnecessary worry anymore. Until now scuba aluminum tubes created in America by Luxver Ltd.• Psi 3000 aluminum tubes 72, 0 cuft: This tube length is 26 inh, weighs 30 lbs and weighs neutral in seawater. tube capacity which is 72, 0 cuft at a maximum pressure of 3000 Psi Psi 2475 No pressure tube would be filled approximately 60 cubic feet hawa free.• Unit double tubes: Tubes of this type is prepared for a longer inventory. This tube can be collected with a double valve or possibly two single tube, combined with connecting pipes. Pipe fitting is very likely that you use a single tube with a separate way. This unit type is really fit to dive in the water, underwater photography underwater or perhaps rescue dives that require a long bottom time.Immersion tube has a valve tube / valve. There are two types of standard valves, namely:• The non reserve / "K" valve: Valves "K" no backup is easy valve closed and opened. Tubes with valves requires the addition of a diver wearing a tool to monitor how much air that remains in the tube. The tool is intended Submersible Pressure Gauge.• Type constant reserve / "J" valve: These valves nearly as well with a valve "K" valve, while the difference is that this type of equipment is equipped with a backup mechanism at a pressure of 300 Psi. So if the pressure tube down until the thought - thought 300 Psi, spring will close the valve and cause a contraction in the procurement of the air we breathing and by pulling down a connecting rod connected to the valve back up the left side of the tube, can take off return valve is closed, then flows the rest of Eve most recently on the tube. Hawa valves provide sufficient reserves for a diver rises to the surface.1. O-Ring Seal: O-ring rubber (rubber bands in the form of O) is small on the surface to make a watertight valve high pressure on the regulator to the cylinder valve. Bring always supply o-ring in your dive gear bag, because if the o-ring was missing then your regulator can not be used.2. Persons with Tubes (Back Pack): It is a harness that attaches the tube system on the diver's back. Having a wide variety of forms. However, currently available that BC is all back together by packnya, until easy to install tube in her BC. Backpack and a belt buckle with must have a quick launch in connective left shoulder belts. This sort of thing is intended to alleviate the divers take off or put back in the tube in the water. As with any other diving equipment, diving cleaned after use with clean, fresh water, for BC rinsed with warm water section of it, put the filled state of the weather.d. regulator
The regulator is a device that is simple to change the air of high pressure on a scuba tube so air of low pressure as the diver purposes and only provide air that is needed as the surrounding pressure.
There are some types of regulators:• Pipe double hawa (Double Hose)Regulator Demand commonly known in America from 1949 consists of one side of which is fitted above the cylinder valve with a conduit weaker breathing, mouthpiece and an exhaust pipe airing. At this time generally referred Two Hose Regulator. Mouthpiece or may Handheld Mouth is one side that is inserted into the mouth.
Type of regulator is its use more difficult, because the diver must exhale loudly when going to breathe airing. Usually used by commercial divers. By a bubble because the air is removed by scuba divers out in the back, then the bubbles do not disturb the view of divers.
The principle works have two levels of the first level (first stage) and the second level (second stage). At the first level above the weather in lowering the pressure around him and a second level of pressure hawa shrink as the diver needed as the situation around him. The rest of the air is coming from the mouthpiece will be restored to the level of the first to be thrown out.• Pipes single hawa (Single Hose)The commonly used today is the single hawa pipeline consists of two levels of the first level (first stage) and the second level (second stage) mounted on the mouth piece (mouthpiece). Eve on the first level so ± 140 psi above the pressure around him. On the second level is reduced so at the necessary pressure.
Differences number one with double hose, namely that the two separate levels. Second Stage where there is near the mouth of the diver to ease breathing, therefore, there is a rubber septum on the same surface as well to the lungs in a public swimming position.
Single hose is also equipped with drain button (purge botton) residual waste water which is instrumental in the mouthpiece when pressed.
Make the first stage of protection from water ingress and dust are also equipped with a cover (cup) is mounted on the first stage when the regulator is not used.
e. Buoyancy Compensator Device / BCD
Form as a vest which there is a water cell. Air cell on a role to regulate buoyancy BCD (buoyancy) of the divers. Another component of a BCD one of which is inflator / deflator and dump valve.• Knives DivingIs a versatile tool, used to assist, dig, also for gauges. Made of stainless metal, serrated on the eyes as well as others can be useful to cut the rope in the water. In use the shank inside to avoid snagging on the grass and so on. Posts SS. 320 or maybe SS. 420 means the SS. 320 has a carbon content of less than SS. 420.
Beyond that there are also other complementary tool that supports the passage of diving activities, one of them:• GlovesThis equipment is the addition wetsuit. Helpful to make the protection of limbs which side of the hand of hand scratches etc.
Hand divers will be soft when it is submerged in water as well as scratches really hard to stop the bleeding.• Flashlight
Senter used to dive night, for the markers, as well as in cave diving.
If diving is done in the evening or maybe the weather is less friendly gird flashlight.• Hours DivingIn dives each diver must bring hours or maybe another time gauges. This sort of thing to know the hours of dives.
Jam along not only can see the time, there was also combined with the depth mtr. as well as a compass. This sort of thing makes it dives. Observe limit water resistant. For dives that do not exceed 7 mtr. can be used hours have water resistant to 10 bar (eg Q & Q).• BagActually serve to put some valuable items or perhaps a means of communication that are not perhaps in staying all dives.
Before when using carefully whether the bag is leaking or maybe not.
Pay attention to the color of the bag, which is too shiny colors will attract the fish that may be present danger.
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