"The Human Social Beings"

"The Human Social Beings"
Human beings are social beings say that in his life could not escape the influence of other human beings. Man is said social creatures, also in because a human being is no pressure to have (interaction) with other people. There are social needs (social need) to live in groups with others. Often based on the similarity of traits or interests respectively. For example, orangkaya tend to make friends with rich people. People who work as artists tend to look for fellow artists.Social human beings means that humans need other people and social environment as a means to socialize. Socializing here means requires a social environment as one of its habitat means every human need each other to socialize and interact. Humans also act as social beings are interconnected and their relation to the environment and social action tinggalnya.Manusia place by way of utilizing nature and environment to enhance and improve the welfare of his life for the sake of survival like. But the potential is there in man it is only possible to develop, if he had lived and studied in the midst of men. To be able to walk alone humans must learn from other people.Without the help of other humans, humans may not be able to walk upright. With the help of others, people could use a hand, be able to communicate or talk, and be able to develop the full potential of humanity.It can be concluded that a man said to be a social being, for several reasons, namely:• Humans are subject to the rules, social norms.• Human behavior is expecting an assessment of others.• Humans have a need to interact with others.• Human potential will develop, if he lived in the midst of men.Has been for centuries the concept of man as a social being that there is emphasis on the influence of powerful community to the individual. Where has the elements of a biological necessity, which consists of:• The urge to eat.• The urge to defend themselves.• The drive to establish a kind.From the steps above illustrate how individuals in its development as a social being in which an individual is a component of mutual dependence and need. So that communication between people is determined by the role of humans as social beings.1. In the development of social humans also have a tendency to imitate in the sense of forming themselves by looking at the life of a society consisting of: receipt of the forms of culture, where people receive other forms of renewal that comes from the outside so that the inside of the human form of a science.2. The energy savings where this is the act of imitating not to use too much energy so that the performance of the human person in society can be run effectively and efficiently.
In general, the desire to emulate that we see most clearly within the bounds of the group but also occur in the life of society at large. From the above figures clearly how people itself requires an interaction or communication to establish himself malalui process mimics. So it is clear that the man himself has a concept as social beings.Which characterizes human beings can be regarded as sosialadalah existence of a form of social interaction in hubugannya with other social creature in question is the one man with another man. Broadly speaking personal factors that influence human interaction consists of three areas:1. Emotional stress, this greatly affects how humans interact with each other.2. Low self-esteem, when conditions seseirang are in the debased condition aka have a high desire to connect with other people because of the conditions in which people are humiliated in need of love from others or moral support to the conditions as they are.3. Social Isolation, isolated people have to interact with like-minded or like-minded people in order to form a harmonious situation.In his life, man does not live in isolation. Humans have a desire to socialize with each other. This is one of human nature is always looking to connect with other human beings. This indicates that the situation of interdependence. In the next human life, he has always lived as a citizen of a unity of life, communities, and citizens. Living in a relationship of interdependence that contains interchanges and social consequences in both the positive and negative sense. Positive and negative circumstances is the embodiment of the values ​​of human nature at the same time even the contradictions caused by the interaction between individuals. Each person must be willing to sacrifice individual rights for the common interest in this framework is developing the noble deeds that reflect the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and mutual cooperation. In modern times such as today people need clothes that do not may be made alone.Not only limited to the bodily aspect alone, humans also have an emotional feeling to be disclosed to others and got an emotional response from others as well. Humans require understanding, compassion, self-recognition, and various other emotional sense. The emotional response can only be obtained if people relate to and interact with others in an order of social life.In relating and interacting, humans have distinctive features that can make it better. Educational activities is one of the distinctive features possessed by humans. Emmanuel Kantmengatakan, "man can be a man because of education". So if people are not educated then he would not be human in the true sense. It has been widely known and justified by the results of a study of neglected children. Cooley argued that looking-glass self is formed through three stages, namely: In the first stage, a person has a perception about the views of others against him. The second stage, a person has a perception about the judgment of others to others about its looks. The third stage, a person has perassaan to what dirasakannyt high ua as other people vote against it.Example :a person is likely to get a low value such as 5 or 4 in the semester exams, for example, that teachers at his school thought he was stupid. He felt also that because he was judged a fool he is lacking in respect of his teachers. Because they feel less appreciated, these students become moody. So here is the feeling of one's self is a reflection of self-judgment of others (looking self-gass)One of the roles associated with socialization theory george herbert mead.l in theory described in the book of mind, self, and society (1972), mead outlines the stages of gradual development through interaction with other civic Anggita. According mead human development is in progress through several stages of stage play, stage stage games, and other generalized stage. Play Stage = a person begins to learn to take pernana people who are in the vicinity or can call mimic stage Game stage = children not only have to know the role to be executable, but have also a role to be performed by others with whom he interacts. Generalized other = someone bet has been able to take pernan run other people in the community.Socialization is a process that lasts throughout the life of man. In this regard the experts talked about the forms of socialization, like socializing after childhood, lifelong education or continuing education.Light et al. (1989: 130) announced that early socialization setekah called primary socialization encountered secondary socialization.Berger and Luckmann (1967) defines the primary socialization = socialization of individuals first lived as a child through which he became a member of society.While the secondary socialization they define as a subsequent process which introduces individuals who have been socialized into a sector of the world A Bary has berentuk and embedded in the individual consciousness. Because humans are social creatures, they interacted with one another is not always the interaction it goes well, sometimes causing the other negative ha.Negative traits that are often shown it is called prejudice (lrejudice). Prejudice is a term that has many meanings. But in keitannya with intergroup relations this term refers to the attitude of hostility directed against a group that has characteristics that tudak fun.Prejudiced people who are not rational and are in the subconscious so difficult to be changed despite a prejudiced person is given the extension.
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