Save Snake (Ophiuroidea)
Save snakes are animals of the phylum Echinodermata, which has close ties with starfish. They walked in the seafloor using their flexible arms to move. Save snakes generally have five arms shaped like a whip that can reach 60 centimeters (2 feet) on the specimens terbesar.Ada star about 1,500 species of snakes living today, and they are mostly found at a depth of over 500 meters (1,620 feet).  
  • Body structure
These animals have a framework within which consist of plates kapur.Lempeng-plate limestone is jointed to one another and contained within the skin. These animals also generally have tiny barbs. Thorns shaped blunt and short. Stomach: as a means of digestion. Mouth: a digest food Gonad: sex gland that serves as a producer of sex hormones.
  • Characteristic features
These animals have a body type 5 the length of its arm. The fifth hand can also be moved about so that resemble a snake. Madreporitnya contained in the mouth and oral surfaces. These animals do not have amburakal and anus, so the leftover food or feces issued by way of regurgitated through the mouth. These animals live in the sea that is shallow or deep. Usually lurking around the rocks, seaweed, or bury themselves in the mud / sand. Save snakes are very active at night. The food is shrimp, scallops or other organisms debris (garbage). Ophiuroidea has a frame of calcium carbonate. Body shape similar to a snake Star Asteroidea. Fifth Ophiuroidea arm attached to the central disc called calyx.Ophiuroidea has five jaw. On the back of the jaw there is a short esophagus and the belly, and dead ends that occupies half of the disc. Ophiuroidea not have the intestines and the anus. Digestion occurs in the stomach. Air exchange and excretion occurs in a sac called bursae. Generally there are 10 separate bursae.Kelamin in most species. Ophiuroidea have gonads. Gametes spread by bursal sacs. The nervous system consists of the main nerve ring that worked around the main disk. Ophiuroidea not have eyes, or the like. However, they have the ability to sense light through receptors in the epidermis.
  • Movement

Save snakes use their arms to move. They, unlike starfish, depending on tube feet. Save snake moves by moving their arms are very flexible and make them move like a snake. They are similar to the movement of animals bilateral symmetry.
  • Respiratory system
Breathing is done by five pairs of small pouch that is slotted in around the mouth, the tool is associated with the channel for reproduction (gonads).
  • Digestive system
The tools contained in the food digestion ball discs, starting from the mouth is located in the center of the body and then the hull-shaped pouch. Around the mouth there is a jaw form 5 groups kapur.Makanan plate is held by one or more arms, then stomping and with the help of tentacles put into the mouth. When ingested, the materials that are not digested thrown out through the mouth.
  • Reproduction system
Gender these animals apart. These animals release of sex cells into the water and fertilization results will grow into microscopic larvae bersillia arm, called the pluteus. Pleteus later metamorphosed into shapes such as starfish and finally become stars snakes.
  • Roles for life
What will happen if the sea were no animals echinodemata like stars snake biologists imagined possible in the sea will be a giant waste filled with foul smelling objects. Seafood can be as clean as now is partly a Echinodermata animal services. These animals are scavengers, animal remains and feces of other marine animals. Therefore, these animals are often referred to as cleaning animal ocean / beach.
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