- Definition
- Feature body
- The size and shape of the body
- The structure and function of the body
- The way of life and habitat
- Reproduction
Echinoderms are dioseus bersaluran sederhana.Fertilisasi reproduction
takes place in eksternal.Zigot develop into larvae are bilaterally
symmetrical bersilia.Hewan can also regenerate.
- Classification
- Asteroidea
2. Ophiuroidea
consists of 2,000 species, for example, is the star of the snake
(Ophiothrix) .Ophiuroidea (in greek, ophio = snake) shaped like
Asteroidea, but his arm more slender and fleksibel.Cakram its small and
flat with the surface of the aboral (dorsal) is smooth or barbed tumpul.Ophiuroidea not have pediselaria.Cakram center bordered by arms.These animals were also able to regenerate.
3. EchinoideaEchinoidea spherical or flat, without lengan.Echinoidea spherical eg sea urchins (diadema saxatile) and sea urchin (Arabcia punctulata) .Permukaan body of these animals have the barbed panjang.Echinoidea typical digestive apparatus, namely cache complex called lantern aristoteles.Fungsi of the cache is to grind food in the form of algae or remnants organisme.Echinoidea bodied flattened eg sand dollars (Echinarachnius parma) .Permukaan oral side of her flat, while somewhat cembung.Tubuhnya aboralnya side covered with fine spines and rapat.Durinya serves to move, explore and protect the surface of the body of kotoran.Kaki ambulakral only in oral side that serves weeks to transport the food.
4. HolothuroideaHolothuroidea known as sea cucumber or animal teripang.Contoh are Cucumaria sp., Holothuria sp., And Bohadschia argus.Hewan is not chintz and anus are on opposite poles of tubuhnya.Daerah ambulakral and inter-ambulakral arranged in intermittent -seling along tubuhnya.Alur ambulakral closed, madreporit contained in the cavity tubuhnya.Sebagian ambulakral feet modified into tentacles oral.Sistem respirasinya called respiration of trees, because the system consists of two main channels that branched off on the cavity tubuhnya.Keluar and water ingress through the anus.
5. CrinoideaThese animals shaped like tumbuhan.Crinoidea composed of groups whose bodies stemmed and not bertangkai.Kelompok which stemmed known as sea lilies, while sessile known as sea lilies berbulu.Contoh starfish is Metacrinus rotundus and to starfish and hairy is Oxycomanthus benneffit Ptilometra sea australis.Lili settle at depths of 100 m or lebih.Sedangkan hairy living in tidal areas until the group has a sea dalam.Kedua oral overlooking atas.Lengannya the numerous mkengelilingi part Calix (basic body) .At there Calix mouth and arms anus.Jumlah multiples of five and contain small branches called pinula.Sistem ambulakral not have madreporit and ampula.Crinoidea eater is a liquid, such as zooplankton or food particles.H. Role for Human EchinodermataEchinoderms used by humans as follows.- Makanan.Misalnya sea urchin eggs are widely consumed in Japan and sea cucumber chips are sold in Sidoarjo. East Java.- Material research on fertilization and development awal.Para biological scientists often use traditional sea urchin gametes and embryos.However, the sea star is often considered to be detrimental to the farmers oyster pearl and sea shells as a predator animals such cultivation.
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